Saturday, December 26, 2009

The Animal (Vehicle Toyline)

Manufactured by Galoob
Released in 1984
Via Retrojunk

Not the most easily researched toy, Retrojunk says, "The Animal was a battery operated (not radio controlled) monster truck by Galoob. The original Animal came in three flavors, Power Pickup, Angry ATV and Fierce Firebird. All of these were essentially identical save for different body stylings. the Power Pickup was of course a black pick up truck complete with a realistic bug guard, bright yellow rollbar and grey exhaust pipes sticking out from under the front fenders. The Angry ATV was identical except it was bright red and had the body of an SUV. Fierce Firebird was of course a bright yellow firebird with no bug guard or exhaust pipes.
Of course, all of these shared the all important gimmick. They had freakin claws in their freakin wheels! and these weren't just any claws, these things were reactive. It was like some sort of mutant traction control. The truck would be rolling along all la dee da, when suddenly it would encounter a rock (or other deliberately placed obstacle) and "Oh no! The truck is stuck!" then BAM! CLAWS!"

The following is a commercial for The Animal that TV shows BOMBARDED us with in the 80's. I haven't had that jingle stuck in my head in over 20 years.

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